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Julia Stiles

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Julia O'Hara Stiles (born March 28, 1981 in New York City, New York) is an American stage and film actress. She began her career in the theater with roles in smaller productions, then moved on to lead roles in plays by playwrights such as William Shakespeare and David Mamet, and has been a successful film actress for 20 years.

Biography of Julia Stiles

Julia Stiles was born the eldest of three children to John O'Hara, a teacher and businessman, and Judith Stiles, a potter. Her family is of Irish-English-Italian descent. She attended a Quaker school in Manhattan and studied English at Columbia University in New York. In May 2005, after five years, she finished her studies, which she interrupted several times due to various film projects. As a Democrat, Stiles supported John Kerry's candidacy for President of the United States in 2004. She has also worked for an organization that builds houses in Costa Rica and for Amnesty International to raise awareness of harsh punishments for immigrant youth. Stiles has been married to Preston Cook since September 2017. They had a son in October 2017.

Julia Stiles Career

Julia Stiles was already a member of the La Mama theater at the age of eleven. Since her appearance in Eve Ensler's play and the production of William Shakespeare's What You Want with Zach Braff, she has been considered a serious stage actress. In the spring of 2004, she starred in a revival of David Mamet's opera Olean in London.

At the age of 15, after several guest roles since 1993, Julia Stiles made her film production debut in I Love You, I Don't Love You with Claire Danes, Jude Law and James. Van Der Beek. She was also seen in Familiar Enemy (1997) as Tom O'Meara's daughter (Harrison Ford) and in M. Night Shyamalan's Wide Awake (1998). Her first major role was in the 1998 film Wicked. However, the film did not make it to American cinemas.

It wasn't until her role as Katarina Stratford opposite Heath Ledger in 10 Things I Hate About You (1999), an adaptation of William Shakespeare's play The Taming of the Shrew, that Julia Stiles made her breakthrough as a screen actress. In 1999, she was awarded the MTV Movie Award for Best Newcomer. Stiles and her co-star Freddie Prinze Jr. in One or None also received a Teen Choice Award nomination. Stiles appeared more frequently in film adaptations of Shakespeare; After 10 Things I Hate About You, she played Ophelia in Hamlet with Ethan Hawke in 2000 and Desdemona in 2001 to Mekhi Phifer's Othello in a modern version of the material: O-Trust, Seduction, Betrayal.

Another MTV Movie Award for Best Kiss and Best received a hip-hop who falls in love with a black ghetto boy sballetka (2001), in which she portrayed the talented Save the Last Danceza dance drama In State and Main (2000) by David Mamet she played a young girl who seduces an actor on set in a small town. In 2001, she played Stockard Channing's antagonist in Business of Strangers.

In the 2002 film The Bourne Identity, Stiles first took on the role of CIA agent Nicky Parsons, which she also played in the three installments of the Bourne film series with Matt Damon, The Bourne Conspiracy (2004), The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) and Starring Jason Bourne (2016). In 2003, she took the lead roles in the films Opportunity Makes Love and Carolina - Looking for Mr. Perfect and in the same year as a student in Mona Lisa's Smile alongside Julia Roberts as her art professor , who tries to convince her to become a lawyer instead. to become a wife and mother. In 2004, she starred in the comedy film The Prince & Me, in which her character falls in love with a prince. She also appeared in the fifth season of the Showtime television series Dexter as Lumen Pierce in 2010. Her role as a witness to a murder who begins a campaign of revenge against her former tormentors earned her a Golden Globe nomination in 2011. In March 2012, she was cast in the American remake of the Indian thriller Midnight Sun. In Lorene Scafaria's 2019 film Hustlers, she took on the role of journalist Elizabeth.

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